Today i want to show you how to turn on a led with a transistor. This action doesn´t have a pratical use, but is for curious minds. I have an expression for this circuit:
we have to calculate the R1's value, that depends from BATT value. hen we can use the expression:
beta is a transistor parameter, you can find it at transistor´s datasheets, but you will find it like hFE.
generally this circuit is for outputs with low current, for example a microcontroller port
But, if you find this circuit useless, then you have to see this circuit:
the microcontrollers don't support high current values ( some microcntrollers can drive only 10mA), and we want to drive two, three or more LEDs, then with previous circuit I purpose a new expression:
you can se that is similar with previous circuit, but we have a new parameter: N
N is the leds number that you want to drive. but you have to check the transistor capability to drive current. In this case we have a BC547, that can to drive about 100mA. then, you can only drive 5 parallel LEDs.
I hope that this blog can help you
*Originally: "como encender un led con un transistor"
**PLEASE: I can't speak english very well, so, don't be evil with me :'(
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